Time management

Struggling with staff productivity?

A member of staff at their computer, wearing a pirate hat. Not looking very productive! The words say, 'Are your staff less productive, or is it all in your head?'

Are your employees less productive whilst working remotely, or is their time drained by switching from one app to another and moving equipment to and from multiple locations? Or is it all in your head?

My five favourite business books in summary (and some bonus reads)

Mike's bookshelf showing his favourite business books

Ahead of the announcement of the Booker Prize winners in a couple of weeks, I thought I’d talk about the business books that have made the biggest difference to my entrepreneurial life, and the ones I would recommend to others for support, ideas and inspiration.

4 questions to boost your productivity

Business woman juggling

Ask yourself these four questions today and you’ll find you’re left with only the tasks you want to do and the ones only you can do, tomorrow. For change to happen, you need to break a habit and replace it with a new, productive one.

3 ways to find the strength to say no!

A woman with her hand up signifying, 'no', with the words, 'master the art of saying no, to get the business you desire

Can you say no to someone who doesn’t give you the respect you deserve? A persistent late payer, a non-communicative customer… Can you say no to a prospective new employee that shows promise, but isn’t the right fit, right now?