Do you have a plan for a better business?

Oxfordshire Based business improvement
mentor & coach

“Mike actively listens, asks thoughtful questions and gives practical advice based on his vast experience”

Entrepreneur (noun, by definition): “a person who sets up a business or businesses, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit.” You!
Mentor (definition): offers a blend of coaching and advisory support. Not just asking you questions, not ‘telling’, but sharing experience and contributing, to fuel or spark thoughts, ideas and plans. Me!
Entrepreneurs Mentor (fact): Mentor +, Masterplan Coach, Sounding board, supporter, motivator. One that brings you a greater return than your investment. An experienced mentor who is also an entrepreneur having started and grown 6 of my own businesses, franchised and sold two. I know your journey, your challenges and align with your emotion.


Strategically Coaching Business Owners to Escape Mediocracy and Live Life on Their T.E.R.M.S with The EC Masterplan


Are you a business owner who feels stuck or trapped? Does your sales pipeline resemble a rollercoaster, unpredictable and stressful? Perhaps the profits from your business aren’t enough to support the lifestyle you not only desire but truly deserve. Maybe your day is constantly interrupted because everything hinges on you.

If you feel this way, you are not alone.

You are likely here, as you want something to change. This can certainly be the turning point. The point where you pause, reflect and give priority to what needs to happen to make it happen.

Does it feel like a jigsaw where you can see the picture, but can’t find which piece comes next?

I’m sure you embarked on this entrepreneurial journey not to just scrape by, overwhelmed with stress and worry. You aimed for success, and to have the lifestyle you deserve for your hard work. I promise you it is still within reach.

Picture this: A business that doesn’t just incrementally increase your profits, but supports your life with the freedom, time, and choices you’ve always yearned for. That’s not just a dream – it’s a reality within your grasp. Let’s make it happen.

Can I ask: What’s the areas of your business that are ‘top of mind’? Worrying you, making you procrastinate, frustrating you?
Your Strategy? Your Model? The Plan? Your Marketing & Sales? The Finances? Your Systems and Operations? Your People? 
These are all the ingredients related to your business and I’d love to help you with my proven receipe.

Of course, I believe you are now in the right place to get the support you need! 🙂
But, let’s have a call and discuss how my broad experience, expertise and practical experience can help you make the Step Change.E

What other business owners wrote about me & my impact

"Mike has been a fantastic mentor/coach. His past experience running businesses and franchises shines through in his teaching and has been invaluable to us. I can’t recommend him enough to anyone needing assistance taking their business forward."

"I chose Mike because of his genuine desire to support and help his clients. I have worked with many respected senior leaders, and Mike still manages to bring new ideas and approaches. He’s good at encouraging me to focus on high impact activities which don't form a natural part of my skill-set."

"Mike's flexible approach is invaluable. He very skilfully guided me through areas I was vague and uncommitted on. The result has been that I've made significant progress on defining a new business which is authentically me. Moreover, the process he's taken me through has helped me build my confidence and certainty."

"For over a year now, Mike has been guiding and mentoring us here at Ginger Digital, consistently delivering immense value. We've known Mike for some time, and we selected him because of his genuine commitment to supporting and assisting his clients. Mike helps us in both longer term forward business planning and also focusing on the 30-day High Performing Activities necessary for our business's growth.
His extensive business experience often leads to insights that bring clarity to a topic or offer a fresh perspective. He serves as a truly valuable sounding board
Neil and I highly recommend working with Mike and we know he will continue to help our business grow."

"Although I was sceptical at first, thinking we would have 'homework' to do, Mike does not actually work like that at all. He makes us think about priorities for business goals and then discusses how to make them happen in a realistic time scale. I’d say that if you’re stuck in a rut, working in your business - then give Mike a call.”

"Mike has been a great support to me over the past 18 months. I have really valued his insights; suggestions; and tackling issues from another angle. He is generous with his time and will go out of his way to help a client’s business with his considerable network of trusted professionals.
Being a solo director, bouncing ideas off Mike has been invaluable and he has been a great source of encouragement, motivation and ideas.
Thanks for all your help to date!"
"Mike was excellent at getting me to focus on what I needed to change straight away and what would be more long term changes to make. He really drilled down and got to the crux of the matter. He was very patient. I would definitely recommend using Mike"
"I’ve ran my business for many years now and throughout that time I’ve had a number of advisors. Mike is one of the rare few I genuinely respect. Full of knowledge, experience and level-headed wisdom. Has a knack for putting forward ideas I hadn’t ever considered and coming at things from a different angle. A genuinely good guy who goes out of his way to help, always happy to give his time and an absolute pleasure to work with."
"When I started my business, I was fairly sure I didn't need a mentor. I have discovered that it is hugely beneficial to have a mentor that has many years' experience in starting and running successful businesses. Mike is patient, non-judgmental and good fun to work with and I would highly recommend him to anyone. He has already helped me to clear the chaos that inevitably comes in the early stages of developing a business. He has helped me to prioritise what is important, and he has an impressive bank of useful hints, tips and knowledge at his fingertips."

"Mike combines a calm focus with incredible enthusiasm. He challenges my motives for doing something and more importantly for NOT doing something and then works with me to find the best solution.
Mike has helped me to articulate my personal brand and given me the confidence to develop this.”

"As a business owner, it's easy to procrastinate. Enter Mike... I’m getting results and achieving more than expected. Mike’s a good listener, a great sounding board and a meticulous action note taker! I would highly recommend any business owner booking some time with Mike."

"Mike’s support and guidance have been invaluable since the start of the first UK lockdown. He understood the growing pains I was facing in my business and provided excellent advice during a very difficult time for many. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Mike to any business owner ready to take their business to the next level."

"Mike is a brilliant sounding board. I highly value his perspective on things I am pondering in my business. I can rely on Mike always to come up with an alternative way of looking at things, he has a knack of saying something unexpected which has, more than once, completely altered my thinking. Having someone who has the courage and insight to point these things out is absolutely critical as a business owner. I highly recommend Mike as a coach and mentor."

"I was at a crossroads. Since that time Mike has been my rock; a voice of reason, listening, challenging, and ensuring I consider as much as possible in my decision making and keeping me focused. I’m now taking my business where I want it to go, not just getting by working in it."

“Mike is well networked in the area and will actively connect and promote the people he knows. His experience with small businesses, generosity with his time and ability to actively promote others will help you develop your business in the way you want to. I am glad I chose Mike.”

"I would highly recommend working with Mike, especially if you need focus, accountability, direction and simplification, but have an enormous to-do list and are not sure where to start. Mike will help you achieve what you want, whilst making you feel like you did it all. Thanks Mike!"

"Mike has helped me consider my marketing and how the business is presented. The sessions with Mike have brought clarity; consolidated my thoughts and clearly defined what needs to be done. Overall, this has helped me make huge stride in my business."

"I wanted to take my business to the next level and Mike is the man to do that. Mike's phone is always on and he is not precious with his time. Most importantly my return on investment has been huge, not only the increase in new clients but the development of my business for the long term."

"I started 1-2-1 mentorship sessions with Mike earlier this year. His practical and pragmatic nuggets of wisdom in all aspects of business make him stand out from the crowd. Mike is super-fast in responding to all queries, and the regular reviews keep one accountable. Highly recommended."

"Mike has a wealth of experience and knowledge which shows in every meeting and phone call we have. He has helped me plan and map out the journey to the life I want and how my business will get me there. What’s more, he’s keeping me on track and accountable to achieving it. If you’re looking to take your business to the next level, speak to Mike!"

"Mike is an excellent business coach and mentor. He actively listens, asks thoughtful questions, and gives practical advice when needed based on his vast experience running other businesses. Mike has been incredibly helpful in my journey, and his support has been invaluable."

"Mike has been actively involved in understanding the ins and outs of my business operations. His straightforward communication style is refreshing. He provides honest feedback, and his observations and actions are meticulously documented in a comprehensive report by the end of each day. I appreciate his proactive approach in identifying potential pitfalls early on and collaborating with me to implement effective management strategies.
What sets Mike apart is his exceptional responsiveness. He addresses queries promptly, making the mentorship process smooth and efficient. The regular reviews not only provide valuable insights but also contribute to maintaining accountability."

"Mike’s ability to actively promote others, and provide a seasoned approach to business and the development of those businesses is second to none"

"I attended one of Mike’s excellent workshops, and then a follow up 1-2-1 session, which was incredible. Like many business owners, I hate being dictated to but equally often need advice from experience. For me Mike is a highly experienced and successful entrepreneur acting almost as a business partner."

“Mike was instrumental when I first started up, providing valuable tips that had I not learnt early on would have cost me dearly. Mike's an excellent coach if you're looking for someone to tell you how it is and provide you with a non-biased view on your thinking. He can genuinely help to steer your business down the right path and help it flourish."

"More than Mike's experience is that he is an incredibly generous and supportive individual. He provides guidance and critiques our current and future business plans, he challenges us on 30 & 90 day goals, in particular making sure that we do not overwhelm ourselves. He is also very positive. I am very confident that with Mike onboard we will achieve our goals."

"I have known Mike for a few years, listened to his podcast, read his content, watched his videos. During the pandemic, I felt as some might say, lost in the woods. I initially engaged in Mike’s online business development program and resources. I like how Mike works, how he breaks things down. Through my sessions with Mike, my thoughts have become clearer again. Gone back to basics to build confidence in myself and my team. Ensure we consider things from all angles. Think about the team, our customers, and our overall alignment.  It is so easy to get lost in the day, the week, the month, or even the year. (Friends quote) but Mike has been there for me over the last 17 months and continues to be someone I trust, respect, and work with month to month. Keeping me accountable and focused. Thanks for keeping me on track Mike and for the support and awareness you have for my business and team. My choices are improving again, I feel much happier and my motivation and energy are back."

"I had a business plan but was struggling with what my value proposition was and what my pricing structure should be. I was immediately impressed by Mike's enthusiasm for my new venture, and the vision and passion with which he approached each aspect I was struggling with. Our session together brought me immediate clarity. Thank you Mike."

"Mike has become an integral part of our business management. He’s guided, supported, listened, and provided outstanding advice. We’re moving forward as a business in so many areas thanks to Mike's support.”

"I leverage Mike's business mentoring as a solid sounding board for my ideas. He is great at allowing me to collate my thoughts and ideas and ensure I stick to my plan. Great for those who feel a lonely founder sometimes."

"I engaged with Mike to enable him to 'kick my butt'. He’s supported me from when I first became an employer to where my business is now and how proud I am of my great team. He likes to play devil's advocate now and again and can always see a positive when some days I can't!"

"I found it difficult to prioritise my ambitious growth plans, struggling to find time to plan for our next growth phase. Mike’s pragmatic, wise advice and his extensive knowledge has been invaluable and has helped me to scale my business. I can’t thank him enough."

"Mike has been invaluable in helping me find calm and clarity in the hustle and bustle of entrepreneurship. I highly recommend him for all things: Strategy, Business-mentorship and Business Development."

"Mike is different to the other coaches that I have worked with. He will ask me questions, but also challenges me on some of my responses. He has a much more commercial outlook than other coaches and is someone I trust as another pair of eyes. A perfect sounding board for me. Certainly recommended."

and what two of them said…….

as also trusted by

Content from the Entrepreneurs Mentor

What support can I offer?

I’m transparent about what I offer, the value to you and your investment.

I share a number of free resources to help you know how I think, how I work and the experience I’m likely to share with you. Take a listen, read or watch!

I have standard packages and also personalise my support to help you in a way that works for you. 

You can choose from 1-2-1 mentoring, with no minimum term, to any of my free resources or anything in between.

1-2-1 Mentoring

£495 per month
No minimum term 

Let’s work together on a personalised plan to develop your business. 



The 9 steps to seriously develop your business.

a Proven Framework, Coach and additional Expert support.

online BUSINESS programme

12 modules taking you through the step changes required to achieve significant success.

 Lifetime Access for £99

systems coach

As a systems expert I will help you create the systemised processes in your business and give you that business which can operate without you.

The marketing & sales system

….the Proven Step by Step Framework To Get & Keep More Customers


A collection of thoughts you can read, watch or listen to, that I am confident will help you to develop your business.

“His extensive business experience often leads to insights that bring clarity to a topic or offer a fresh perspective”


What’s stopping you from having the business you want & deserve?

Perhaps you don’t have a clear plan or way to move your business forward. You’re stuck and are unsure what to do next.

You need more customers or your current marketing campaigns are not delivering the results you hoped for.

You feel like you have no time to implement the strategies and techniques you know will move your business forward.

You feel like you don’t have the skills to improve the business or accelerate the growth of your business.

You feel lonely, you don’t have any one to turn to in your business or you feel that your family and friends don’t really understand.

You’re not generating enough revenue…. You’re paying others but the result is you’re not living the life you had planned when you set out in business.

Your staff don’t perform as you want them to, or you want to start employing staff.

If any of these resonate, rest assured you are not alone. I’ve seen these factors many times.

Time for change?

As I have for many other business owners, let me guide you to having the business you deserve and I guarantee you will see results within 3 months of working together, as we build a road map to maximise your investment with the return you desire.

Any change takes work, but I won’t be giving you more work to do, but easier ways to see the results you desire.

As your Mentor, I will fuel your thoughts with those valuable coaching questions but also bring a treasure trove of experience, proven case studies, knowledge and innovative strategies to the table. Together, we’ll ignite your business growth while steering clear of the pitfalls that blow up for most entrepreneurs.

Are you ready to take your business to heights you’ve always deserved?

No contracted minimum term. I even guarantee that I’ll refund session one if you didn’t feel it was of value 


Unlock Your Business’s Full Potential: Navigate Your Path from Stuck to Desired on Your T.E.R.M.S

If you feel stuck, you’re not alone. Perhaps you are stuck with what to do next? What to do to get more leads? What to do to make the profits you need? What you need to do to delight your customers………

Transform your business struggles into measurable successes with my proven strategies for increased profits and operational efficiency. I’m here to make that a reality. Picture this: no more frustration, procrastination, or sleepless nights. Instead, welcome control, fun, peace of mind and the income you deserve.

Think about your biggest business challenge. Is it time management? Lead generation? Business development? Service delivery? With my proven strategies and mentoring, you’ll gain the tools and support to not just overcome these challenges but to thrive. Envision boosting your cash flow, enhancing your business processes, and gaining control, all while achieving the work-life balance you’ve dreamed of.

But why stop there? Unlock your business’s full potential with my customised mentoring, designed to specifically target your business’s growth areas, enhancing revenue and streamlining operations for maximum efficiency. With my hands-on, proactive approach, you’ll experience quick wins, set medium-term priorities, and establish a robust long-term plan. Think of me as your personal business trainer, pushing you towards unprecedented growth and success.

Ready to take the leap and make the changes?

Let’s embark on this journey together and unlock the limitless potential of your business


As a 1-2-1 mentoring client you will also receive:

  • my 14 Day Empowerment Email programme – a flow of thought provoking emails that may spark or fuel something for us to work on in the future or give you something to implement immediately.
  • An invitation to be my guest at a networking event with one of the leading organisations in Oxfordshire and beyond
  • Your personal copy of my Business Builder Report, designed to help you Develop Your Business and Enjoy Entrepreneurial Success
  • A copy of my book ‘105 ways to accelerate your business success’ worth £14.99 (if you don’t already have one!)
  • Membership of the Entrepreneurs Circle for £99 per month (Free month one). As an EC Certified Coach I invite you to join me in membership providing CPD, numerous ‘How To’ guides, a comprehensive resource bank with videos, downloads, templates etc, plus a toolbox of useful content, swipe files, tools and templates to help you get and keep more customers, plus access to Clarity, a week-by-week Roadmap to run alongside my mentoring and dramatically grow your profits. More here
  • My guarantee that I’ll refund session one if you didn’t feel it was of value by your definition

AND also whilst you remain a 1-2-1 client:


Are you facing these common business challenges?

  • Struggling with tough decisions in your lonely entrepreneurial journey?
  • Hesitant to innovate for fear of losing what you’ve built?
  • Losing passion for your business, unsure of the right changes to make?
  • Having valuable services but not enough leads or customers?
  • Overwhelmed with tasks and responsibilities?


Do any of these scenarios resonate with you?

  • You have a difficult business challenge to tackle or decision to make and would like to sanity check your thoughts but running the business is a lonely place 
  • You have a great service offering what people want and buy, but your leads are low and you’ve found it difficult to get your message heard by the right people, whilst it’s harder winning more customers.
  • You’re working far too many hours because everyone keeps adding to your ‘To Do’ list and you already have too many plates spinning
  • You’re frustrated as no one in your team seems to be able to do what you do, with the same thought and approach
  • You are finding it a constant effort to attract and retain the talent you need in your business
  • Your business is ok but the numbers don’t seem to add up to give you the return on investment for your hard work, but you can’t put your finger on the reason. You would like to better understand your numbers, your success drivers, your profitability and impact on cashflow.
  • You feel stuck as you’ve reached that point where the business is too big to pull back, or downsize, but your not big enough to scale at pace due to the time, people, and cash available. 
  • You have consistent revenues and loyal customers but your teams efficiency and productivity could be better 
  • You are experiencing the impact and influence of technology and software but are not an early adopter and fear being left behind
  • You don’t want to work forever but you haven’t started thinking about your exit plan and it’s now feeling timely to at least consider the options
  • Despite the passion you have for your business, there are frustrations and undoubtedly challenges. You feel a weight on your shoulders or pressure on your chest as something is ‘top of mind’ and is annoying you, frustrating you, causing you pain or sleepless nights or making your procrastinate


Let’s Talk – No Strings Attached If any of these resonate, I’m here for a no-obligation chat. My clients have seen remarkable transformations, and I’m confident I can guide you too.



Where’s Your Business Heading? Imagine having a clear, structured plan, with the right tools, support, and motivation to propel your business forward. That’s what I offer.

More Than Just Day-to-Day Operations You’ve brought your business this far; let’s take it to the next level. With my guidance, you’ll focus on high-impact activities, develop your business, enhance revenue and profitability, and enjoy the rewards of your hard work.

My Commitment to Your Success As a seasoned mentor with a wealth of experience in various business domains, I provide personalised support and strategic insights. Together, we’ll visualise and strategise your path to success, enhancing your time management, motivation, and accountability.

You Deserve More Than Just a Job You started your business for more than just creating a job for yourself. Let me help you build it with minimal risk and maximum reward. As your business mentor, I’ll identify your strengths and weaknesses, craft a success roadmap, and equip you with the tools and guidance for a thriving business.

Ready to Transform Your Business?

I’d love to help you have the business your hard work deserves


Why I’m confident that I’ll ADD value as an ‘investment’ by you NOT be a ‘cost’ to you

I’ve been there! I’ve owned, grown, franchised and sold various businesses, so I understand that you want to give your customers the best experience whilst increasing your revenue, but you don’t have time for all the other things you “need” to do.

A ‘step change’ is needed. Defined as an action that creates new habits, to implement change and delivers significant results.

My brand of business mentoring, combined with coaching, helps you define a plan of action to invest in the future of your business.

As well as running my own businesses and working in senior roles, I have supported hundreds of other business owners. I know what works, I know what is needed, I know why many don’t make it happen. 

Many business owners have already experienced my value, see my testimonials by clicking here

step change logo

Why do I position myself as a Mentor rather than a coach?

I’ve had coaches but was often frustrated when asked the coaching questions “how would you do that?” Or “what do you think”. It was frustrating as I had engaged their support as I did not know the answers! I asked other business owners and their experience was the same.

As a mentor, Yes I primarily coach my clients but if they need something to spark or fuel their thoughts or ideas then I have a number of case studies, examples, tools or models to share from over 25 years experience of supporting business owners.

Plus I’ve actually ran my own businesses, so I can empathise with the journey my clients are experiencing.

My support has a proven structure to help you consider where you are now, where you desire to be and how to create a plan of achievable actions to achieve this and have the business your hard work deserves.

It’s tough out there right now, so if you’re a business owner that is looking for an experienced sounding board, someone to help you move forward then let’s talk.

Click here to learn more about me and my own business experience


Back to you…

You CAN run a business without having to wear so many hats. You CAN develop your business to work for you. You CAN plan for growth without putting in even more hours.

Are you ready?

Running a business is not without risk, but you know that already! The most successful entrepreneurs in the world take calculated risks and do what is needed to make change happen. And today, they feel completely fulfilled financially, mentally, emotionally, and physically – because they accept a level of risk, execute a plan of activities and learn from their outcomes.

I’m here as your business mentor to steer you through those risks, to help your avoid the mistakes made by others and identify potential barriers before they occur. I want to make sure your hard work pays off.

Mentor: Ask your self these questions around accountability
Mentor: Ask your self these questions around support
Mentor: Ask your self these questions around your future
Mentor: Ask your self these questions around your work and desires

What do you want for your business?

  • Are you getting the results your hard work deserves?
  • Are you maximising your opportunities to improve your revenue?
  • Are you in control and using your valuable time in the best possible way?
  • Do you know what’s holding you back?
  • Do you have a handle on your ‘success drivers’?
  • Do you have someone you bounce an idea off or provide another pair of eyes?
  • Are you clear where you want to be in a years’ time and how to get there?
  • Do you plan and execute what you really need to do, without distraction?

If you answered NO to any of these questions, OR if you are just ready to take your business to the next level, then let’s talk about how I can support you make the change often needed.

Let’s get started on your step change to significant success, today

If you’re serious about developing your business and turning all your hard work so far into even better results, then I’m ready to take your call. You can book a mentoring session with me right now, at no cost to you and with no obligation.

I’ll share some immediate thoughts with you and recommend which of my mentoring packages is the best fit for where you are now, where you want to be, and what it will take to get there.

More than ‘coaching’, my practical, innovative, and focused mentoring provides exactly what you need to build on what you already have and start maximising your valuable time.

You’re great at what you do, and as you’ll see from my testimonials, so am I.

Ready to team up?

Give me a call today on 01235 614809 or why not book some time in my diary using the button below. 

Still unsure?

Please take some time to read my blogs, listen to a podcast or watch some short YouTube videos.


My blog is updated regularly with useful and interesting content for entrepreneurs like you.


Listen in to my thoughts, experience and expertise to help you grow and develop your business.


My thought provoking videos, handy hints & tips, interviews and more – please visit my Youtube channel.