I’ve been working with a mental health charity and have come to learn how important healthy and positive self-talk is to mindset and focus. When scaling your business, you are bound to have times when you doubt your decisions, doubt your capability and just question if you’re doing the right thing at all – you’re only human!

And I understand that affirmations and The Law of Attraction isn’t for everyone, but if imposter syndrome can be worsened by negative self-talk, then it stands to reason that positive self-talk has the opposite effect.

If you have found that niggling doubts or indeed imposter syndrome is holding your business back from scaling, these affirmations might help you re-focus on the positive and re-discover that self-belief.

  1. My business is already successful
  2. I trust in my abilities to succeed in what I choose to do
  3. Being successful comes naturally to me
  4. Success and happiness come easily to me
  5. My work makes a difference
  6. I have what it takes to be successful
  7. I can achieve the goals I set myself in business
  8. I create exciting and positive business opportunities
  9. As I become more successful, I help more people
  10. I am passionate about my business and that shows in everything I do
  11. I am clear on my vision for my business
  12. My ideal clients/customers lean in with interest when I talk
  13. My business allows me to have a life I love
  14. My business gives me energy
  15. I love the freedom my business provides for me
  16. My business goals are within my reach
  17. I am thankful for the opportunities that come my way
  18. I am thankful for each and every person who contributes to the success of my business
  19. I can say ‘no’ to opportunities that don’t excite me
  20. I can create healthy new business habits
  21. I recognise fear as false expectations appearing real
  22. I can navigate any obstacles in my path

My recommendation is to select one or two of these affirmations for business and become comfortable using them in your day-to-day life. I certainly don’t expect them all to be used or committed to memory! Or you could dip into them when you feel your self-belief waning.

If you are scaling your business, I would also recommend reading 10 Steps to Consider When Scaling Your Business, My Number One Tip to Grow Your Business and 6 Questions to Ask Yourself When Doubting Business Decisions.

And if those articles don’t offer you quite the right support or answers you’re looking for, feel free to give me a call to talk over your own scaling obstacles.

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