I am a business mentor first, and a business coach second. That means my support of each client is personalised as I truly believe that business mentoring and coaching needs to be adjusted to suit the person and the business; their individual objectives, needs, aims, challenges and goals.

There’s no golden bullet, model, strategy, formula, or plan that works for everyone. You are unique, your business is unique so why wouldn’t you devise a unique, bespoke plan and methods of implementation?

“If you follow this blueprint, you’ll become a 6-figure business owner in a year.” Really? NO! The reality is… things take time. This maybe should act as a reminder to us all that there are no shortcuts to success, there is no ‘one size fits all’ method which can be truly effective.

No standard coaching toolkit
I find that some business owners need to be challenged, others need support, some need a direction, and others are looking for another perspective.

Because I believe not one approach fits all, I don’t have a standard toolkit that just gets rolled out for each and every one of my clients. In fact, I blend some of the most successful coaching models to suit and support my clients. These include the following three:

This acronym stands for Goal, Reality, Options and Way forward. For sure it is one of the most popular coaching techniques and is considered to guide and move clients forward on their own.

‘Goals’ can be long-term or short-term objectives. ‘Reality’ looks at where you are now and where you desire to be. With ‘Options’ we consider the different routes possible and how the goal/s may be achieved. Then looking at a ‘Way Forward’ it’s about choosing a purposeful direction, creating a plan and learning from the execution.

It is with the GROW model that I often act as a sounding board and an additional pair of ears or eyes to help reflect, consider and step forward with progress.

The SMART method is a coaching technique often linked to effective goal planning and one that many have already heard about when setting goals.

This technique helps my clients to set their sights on a target and then create a goal or sub-set of goals that enables them to execute on an achievable plan.

Yes, it’s important to be specific and to be clear on your goal, to ensure that achievement can be measured and that there’s a time limit to help motivate progression. However whilst I encourage clients to aim high there is no point setting goals that are not achievable or realistic.


I embraced this coaching model when I undertook some research in 2007 about what influences individuals to achieve their goals.

This model focuses on the solution to problems. When I speak with my clients about effective goal planning, I use the OSKAR model to establish the challenges and problems, that may get in the way and consider the solutions to overcome these. These solutions are then built into the action plan with the concept of having the foresight to deliver the solution before the problem occurs. This motivational model, that focuses on succeeding, looks at the ‘Outcome’ you want, the ‘Scale’ of belief, the ‘Knowhow’, ‘Affirmations’ and your ‘Reviews’.

One size really does not fit all, and I adapt my style, my approach, and my support to suit my clients and the reason they chose to work with me. If I could help you with my support that is bespoke to you, then give me a call for a no obligation conversation.

Achieving memorable things takes time but when we do achieve them, we can look back with awe and use the story of our journey to inspire others.

Keep working, keep building, keep believing, keep inspiring!

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