Managing Directors, Business Owners, Senior Executives and Start-up companies all grow their businesses, become more productive and develop true alignment within teams. They gather good people around them, who act as a sounding board, accountability, cheerleader and coach. A business mentor is all of those things in one package.

To achieve growth, business mentors help you with some key skills including

Effective goal setting. What do you want out of your business? The end game can seem too far away to actualise at the start of your journey, but with intermediate goals and careful planning, it is achievable. A mentor’s experience can help identify what is achievable or even challenge you to push harder or for more.

Planning with purpose. What’s the plan for change, what could you do differently? Running a business is a lonely place at times, so a coach or mentor provides an additional pair of ears and eyes. Such support can help you spot trigger points that stimulate action and make decision-making easier. They can also really help you with an honest, unbiased view, when creating or developing your plan, or reviewing your strategy.

Keeping focused on high pay-off activities. What are you doing in your business that gives you the greatest return for your investment of time and money? Are you focused on the right things, can you do something differently or something else entirely? It’s easy to be distracted by the next best thing, so a mentor’s techniques, tools and support will help you stay focused on the activities that produce the highest return. Add to this the element of accountability and the motivational support then there is a stimulus to actually execute the plan.

Reduce procrastination. This is often a symptom of not having the confidence to make decisions without a guaranteed outcome. The support to consider potential outcomes of a situation, analyse the risks and consider the pros and cons, will help you make quicker decisions rather than putting it off, or wasting your time, energy or resources. Last week’s blog, ‘Where does the time go?’ will help you beat distractions and procrastination.

A business mentor has experience to share that fills any knowledge gaps or provides another perspective, they have demonstrable tactics and tools to share that gets you closer to positive gain and they provide external motivation and accountability. Business has many ups and downs so a mentor’s support will keep you focused on your why, your purpose and your reasons for running your business.

My goal is to work with clients, to share my broad knowledge and experience but to primarily spark or fuel ideas that take the business forward. I hope this has been thought provoking and helpful for the development of your business. If you’d like to explore how I could help you to grow your business, get in touch for an hour of free business mentoring, or connect with me, Mike Foster, on LinkedIn.

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