A good business coach acts as a sounding board, a reality check, an accountability buddy and a guide. In essence, and the reason my business is named after it, a good business coach is a mentor, not someone to wield a stick or push you into making uncomfortable decisions about where you want to take your business.

These five things are spoken about in all my business mentoring sessions and underpin what I offer to all my clients, no matter their sector or reasons for being in business.

1.     Strategy

Without a strategy you cannot measure success or celebrate it. Your strategy will be different from the next person’s because it is unique to your ‘why’ and ‘where’. A good business coach draws on your desires and previous experience and add their own expertise and knowledge to share proven methods that result in success.

For example; does your business model reflect your vision effectively? Is your team structured in a way that duties can be delegated in order that you can deliver the highest value and outsource the rest?

2.     Decision making

Victor Kiam said, ‘Procrastination is opportunity’s natural assassin’. Putting off making decisions is often a symptom of not having confidence in yourself to execute your plan. This is where a good business coach steps in. We will challenge your thinking, look at your problem with fresh eyes and play devil’s advocate to help you develop your thoughts. When you have clarity over your end goal and a clear strategy in place, making a decision becomes easier, especially when you have someone telling you it can be done.

For example; coaches can help you analyse why you’ve arrived at a certain decision and help you recognise the triggers that make you comfortable with it. If the trigger points are in place, you gain confidence.

3.     Removal of fear

Sticking with the theme of helping you develop confidence in yourself, motivation to move forward can often be knocked by fear. The common acronym for fear; False Expectations Appearing Real means that you can talk yourself out of a good decision and into a potentially costly mistake because you are fearful of the outcome.

A good business coach removes your fear by sharing proven steps and tools to improve activity that results in positive gains.

For example; I will help you recognise and stay focused on your end goal, whilst identifying the steps that will take you there.

4.     Execution through step change

The best laid plans are worthless without execution tactics. Step change means being motivated to execute one tactic at a time and not become overwhelmed by the process on the whole. There’s another saying that goes, ‘you don’t have to climb the whole staircase, just take one step at a time.’

For example; during our 1-2-1 business mentoring sessions, we will come up with a 90-day plan, consisting of small, considered steps. This keeps you on strategy, gives you motivation to make decisions and removes your fear of failure. Together we will check in on your progress and make sure the momentum is kept high.

5.     Accountability

Speaking of checking in… it helps to be accountable to someone else, especially when you are the founder of your business and your own boss. I will take on the role of accountability buddy, decision guide and moral support, asking you to identify trigger points and recognise successes at each step.

I will challenge you, I will hold you to account, and I will help you lay the foundation and strategy for growth.

My 1-2-1 mentoring package is just £495 per month and includes our main session, an interim check-in call and my advice and support via email or phone, when you need it.

Read more about the sessions on my Business Mentoring page or contact me direct on 01235 614809. There is also lots of information, tips and advice available on my ‘Mike Foster’ YouTube channel.

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