This latest interview is with Bethany Joy, who is ‘a brand voice consultant and copywriter, based in Oxfordshire.

Some of the areas we explored were from the following questions:

1. I think lots of people feel like they don’t know how to talk to their customers at the moment. I mean, most of us have never had to try and market ourselves in the middle of a crisis like this. So how should our communications change in the light of the current situation?

2. When we’re making adjustments to our messaging, how can we get a feel for whether we’re hitting the right tone for the times? I mean this is all new territory, and people’s context is so different now?

3. What advice would you give to businesses who are just feeling at a bit of a loss to know how their products or services are relevant at the moment?

If you’re keen to learn more about brand voice and use the lockdown to sharpen up your business writing style, then take a look at Bethany’s free resource ‘5 ½ steps to becoming irresistible to potential customers by talking to them in a way that connects’. In this week-long series of emails Bethany walks you through exactly what it takes to create a distinctive voice for your business – helping you win more customers by showing people the personality behind your products and services. You can download Bethany’s free guide ‘5 ½ steps to becoming irresistible to potential customers by talking to them in a way that connects’ at

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